A Positive Week! (Week 3)

After a few days of struggling with redirecting the apex domain using Namecheap, I’ve switched to Cloudflare and managed to get it done in under an hour. The domain warwick.university now (finally) redirects to thiswebsiteisnotaffiliatedwith.warwick.university.

Being honest, time’s been passing so quickly since university’s started, but I feel like writing about each week keeps me a little grounded and helps me reflect and plan. Although it feels a little silly putting my thoughts down on paper, I made a promise to myself and I intend to keep it.

This week’s been busy and productive for me!

On Tuesday, I made Internet friends Johnnyboiyeet and Katie (and then met them 20 minutes later)! We’re meeting up again on next Monday (socially distanced and safely!) and I’m excited about that.

We got half-priced Greggs as well! I’m on my way to Greggs with Johnny, I’m passionately recounting the Lore of the Kones (coming soon to a bookstore near you). This girl in front of us drops her ID card. Little do we know, she’s been listening to our conversation, enjoying my way with words, and she works at Greggs and offers us half price food! Let’s be honest, food always tastes better when it’s discounted.

I’m also now on a quest to make a cuppa in every Warwick building, starting with the WMG Buildings. Keep an eye out for posts about that!

A Cup of Tea in WMG

On Friday, I got a delivery from Iceland. Thank goodness for online shopping, as it means I get to be an anti-social, introverted recluse when I feel like it. I also ordered a pair of Vans, which I’ve been putting off for a while. I’m waiting anxiously for the delivery now!

On Saturday night, I went to a showing of Fight Club, a cult classic. It was a last minute decision, and I’m happy I went. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, right? The cinematography and score are absolutely beautiful, and I already want to rewatch it. I can’t recommend it highly enough. Thanks to Adam, Felix and Johnnyboi for making it one of the most fun nights here so far!

Today’s mostly been spent working away at coursework, and completing clearing up some of the backlog on my to-do list. I feel the coursework’s been a little over-hyped, and once I get a few hours of quiet focus, I can knock it out.

I’ve done really well on my goals for this week. I’ve completed problem sheets for CS118 and CS132 on programming and data representation, and I’m working on Problem Sheet 1 for CS130. The content for CS133 isn’t too difficult to read up on in my spare time, so I’ll probably knock that all out in an afternoon.

I’ve also been eating regularly and healthily. I’ve been having pizza and packed with salad and I’ve been enjoying fruit and juices. My mood is definitely tied to whatever I eat.

I’m learning more about myself, especially because I have a lot of time to reflect. I definitely need to come to terms with the fact that nobody can change their past, including who they were. I feel like life’s about managing expectations, as well as understanding past behaviour and learning to enjoy the moment. I’m slowly becoming happier with myself, and I hope I can make some friends I can keep for quite some time.

On another, lighter, note, I find it a little difficult to study sometimes. I’m putting together songs I can focus to, and I don’t know whether to share the link or make it a collaborative playlist. If anyone wants that, I’ll pop the link in another post!

The plan for the fourth week is to